Add a link or button to easily copy an image URL in both the Assets Image tab and the image selection screen within the web editor interface. Current Workflow: To obtain the URL of an image not already displayed in the web editor, users must: 1. Click the breakout menu for the image. 2. Click on “Edit Image.” 3. Wait for the image to load. 4. Right-click to copy the image link. 5. If needing to copy the link to another image, repeat the process, including the extra steps of closing the window and waiting for the previous screen to load. This multi-step process, excluding the initial menu navigation, can be significantly streamlined to a one step process with a simple link to copy the image URL. (Same as the link to copy a funnel page URL in the funnel builder.) Proposed Solution: Integrate a simple link or button for directly copying the image URL, reducing the process to a single step. This enhancement will greatly improve efficiency and user experience. (Submitted request on 08/06/2024)