Customizable Login Pages
under review
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Allow users to built / customize the look of the user login screen used to access the user center / courses.
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Cameron Pratto
This is crazy that I can't modify this page more.

Any update on this?
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
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Customizable Titles for Customer Center Pages

Luis Mendez
Currently, the titles for the Customer Center Sign-In page (“Sessions”) and the “Set a new password” page (“Passwords”) are fixed and cannot be edited through the account dashboard. This limitation can cause confusion or misalignment with a business’s branding and messaging.
Proposed Solution:
Enable users to customize the titles of the Customer Center pages directly within the account dashboard. This feature would allow businesses to align the page titles with their branding, improve clarity for their customers, and enhance the overall user experience.
• Strengthens branding consistency.
• Reduces customer confusion by using familiar terms.
• Provides greater flexibility and control to account holders.
Thank you for considering this feature!
Shari Tat
I urgently need this feature, because the spelling of my company name on this page isn't correct, and ClickFunnels told me, that im not able to edit this problem. Also my customers are german and not all speak english fluently, so they are having trouble with log in and setting passwords over this page, because it is currently only avaialble in English. This makes it super inconvenient for my company and my customers.

Dan Havey
The ability to build the Login page in the Editor just like any other page. The ability to add custom code to the Login page so we can strip parameters off of URL's to use to set custom content on the Customer Center or other Course Pages. This could also be used for deep-linking (if that doesn't become a stand-alone feature).

Dan Havey
Set the Login Element to 'Create Account' as default. Allow to Toggle to 'LogIn' if they already have an existing account. Allow for 'Lost Password' to generate a new PW. Let us choose whether we want to turn on the Magic Link or not. Some people might want to force a Magic Link be generated every time someone comes to login, others may never want to see that feature and only use the Create/Login toggle.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Dan Havey! We have a couple existing feature requests you might be interested in based on your last post.

Yes please!

Walter Sarmiento
If these pages are not meant to have that much content to begin with then is there a way to prevent google from crawling the pages? These pages with very little content negatively affect SEO right?

Daniel Muhlenkamp
This needs to happen. It would be a huge help.

Jason SIN
I feel forced to help advertise click funnels to my competitors. And it feels very unprofessional to not have your own site name and logo.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Jason SIN: apologies for any confusion here. Until we develop this feature, Did you know you can customize the logo and add your name to the login page with our current features? I hope this helps.
If you have any questions about this or need any help with it, please reach out to our support team for help.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Change Favicon and Page Title of Login Page

Joshua Y
As a customer, I want to be able to customize the favicon and page title of the login page so that my clients do not see the ClickFunnels backend that I am using.
Currently, there is no setting available to change the favicon or the page title of the login page - the favicon is fixed to the ClickFunnels icon, and the title is always "ClickFunnels | Sessions".
As someone who is paying for the highest CF tier/plan, I expect to be able to fully brand my website with only my brand - ClickFunnels should never be exposed to my clients.
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