Video watch time stats
under review
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Add stat about view time to video uploaded to ClickFunnels accounts.
Seth Nowak
This will have huge monetary value. I discovered after investing thousands in paid ads to direct traffic to my VSL free training / book-a-call Clickfunnels funnel, that Vimeo analytics showed less than half of Opt In customers watched ANY seconds of my video.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Video Analysis
Jon Erik Kvamme
I am looking for detailed video analytics such as watch time, drop-off rates, or engagement statistics for videos hosted within the platform. This is useful for instance to see when in the video viewers drop off and I can make improvements.
Its all about increasing conversion, right?
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
under review
Elise Carr
Yes to this AND I'd also like to know which clients have viewed which videos.
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Merged in a post:
Video Analytics
Tyson Zimmer
It would be awesome to be able to have video analytics for videos uploaded directly to ClickFunnels 2.0. (ex: watch time)
Christy Shadowens
Yes! I could really use this feature! I would love this! Thanks!!
Joselin Mane
Thanks for adding my request Tyson Zimmer! 👍