Quiz/Survey Element Outside of Courses
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Add a quiz/survey element to the editor which can be used outside of courses.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
I am happy to announce this feature is now complete!
You can learn more at our help article here: https://support.myclickfunnels.com/support/solutions/articles/150000188426-getting-started-with-survey-workflows
Chuck Gray
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
This is amazing!! Great news! Building our first survey now. Would love the same ability in sales funnel with A/B testing. Meaning, to qualify a client more effectively, If I ask, how much revenue is your business making? 5 answers. First two answers are under $250,000 a year. remaining three answers are all over $250K a year. Would be great to not redirect customer to a new URL or funnel, but simply split my Q&A Tree to ask different questions. Which ultimately would allow me to redirect a lower revenue client to a program more suitable for where they are today and the higher revenue client to the right 1:1 onboarding call who is more likely ready and have the resources to invest in the premium program. Any plans for that after beta? And Thank you for this feature!!! Going to be amazing! Here's to champagne closes!
Chuck Gray
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Additionally, are you planning any type of scoring system with the questions asked? Case Study - Weight loss program - Based on your score, your focus would be exercise, healthy eating, or combination. Based on score, redirect to lead magnet/course offering for exercise plan or group coaching. OR doing all redirect to course on meal planning/group support. etc. Great to be able to use in courses, too. Start of course self assessment equals = end of course self assessment - see higher score, ready for level 2? Redirect for next challenge, etc. Is there a better place to provide feedback on beta testing? Thanks! Again, this rocks!
Ryan Blue
Currently the Survey for Single-Select automatically defaults to selecting the first option. The user could easily accidentally hit Next twice and it won't throw an Error like Multi-Select. This would cause them to accidentally choose an incorrect option. Also there is no Back button so they can't go back and fix it.
Please make the Single-Select default to not having an option picked just like the Mult-select, and also please make it optional to have a Back button.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
add Interactive multi-step quiz (leadgen or ecommerce)
John Doe
here's an example of a solar panel lead : https://quotes.ecoquotetoday.co.uk/solar
John Doe
I use clickfunnels to make my advertorial pages which precede a form but the form step I'm obliged to do elsewhere because there isn't this function whereas it's a real method for increasing your conversion rate, I've tested it lots of times, it's better when it's multi-step interactive.
John Doe
another example : https://www.energybillcruncher.com/lapa/
You can test the form by putting this postal code at the beginning "90001"
Richard Brice
How long until this is released to everyone?
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Survey funnel
Mohamed alaali
When will we be able to create survey funnel in funnel 2.0?
Ricardo Palma
This is urgent
Wanda Jones
I would love this funnel
Jordan Bowerman
Ah would love this feature!!!
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