SMS/text Integration
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Allow users to integrate with a 3rd party to allow them to send SMS/text messages
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Funnel Hackers! We are happy to announce, the new CRM suite is available for all accounts TODAY.
Learn more here:
Side note: In addition to the Messenger Hub beta release, where you can integrate multiple response channels including SMS, we also have the native integration with Twilio directly. See here how to integrate it:
I hope this helps!
If you have any additional questions about any of this, please reach out to our support team for help.
Thanks for your patience and contributions to our community. You truly help to make this the best platform to grow your business online.
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David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Funnel Hackers! We are happy to announce, the new CRM suite is available for all accounts TODAY.
Learn more here:
Side note: In addition to the Messenger Hub beta release, where you can integrate multiple response channels including SMS, we also have the native integration with Twilio directly. See here how to integrate it:
I hope this helps!
If you have any additional questions about any of this, please reach out to our support team for help.
Thanks for your patience and contributions to our community. You truly help to make this the best platform to grow your business online.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Funnel Hackers! Quick update: In addition to the Messenger Hub beta release, where you can integrate multiple response channels including SMS (available right now to FHL attendees only), we also now have the native integration with Twilio directly. See here how to integrate it:
I hope this helps!
If you have any additional questions about this please reach out to our support team for help.

Chris Schoate
Not having this feature is costing us money. Can you please help us here?
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Chris Schoate: We now have the native integration with Twilio available. See here to integrate it:
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
in beta

Darragh Howley
please allows all of us to use SMS/text integration in clickfunnels 2.0.
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
in progress
We are excited to announce this feature has now finished being built & is currently in a beta release period.
We have granted access to it to everyone who addended FHL (Funnel Hacking Live) this year.
We will make a additional update post and close the feature request once it has been release to all users.

Chelsea Ahalt
Hugh (Product Support Manager): Quick question - Will this be integration based or are you working to have a direct application feature that is purely CF?

Diane Sanders
Hugh (Product Support Manager): This is AWESOME!! Is there a date for when it will be available to all users?

Puja Misra
Hugh (Product Support Manager) - where can we access this feature. I attended the FHL, excited to utilize this feature.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Puja Misra! This can be found in the Messenger Hub tab. If you don't see it in your account, please reach out to support so they can verify your FHL attendance and unlock it. We also now have the native integration with Twilio available. See here

Puja Misra
Thanks David! Will do. Excited to start using this feature.
Hugh (Product Support Manager)

Daniel L
Merged in a post:
Integration with text messaging services (eg. Clicksend)

Robert Grzesik
One major feature missing in workflows is the ability to send text messages. There are a lot of third party providers out there and it would be very easy to integrate with them. Clicksend is our favorite because they are the cheapest (texts can get very expensive). If you need help building this, I'd be happy to write the code!

Robert Grzesik
Please integrate with Clicksend because their text message rates are very good

Robert Grzesik
PLEASE! This is the one feature holding us back from signing up with clickfunnels. We use Clicksend because they are the cheapest
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