Product Reviews
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Create a feature to receive, moderate & show product reviews.
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I would love a feature like this. It would help sales;)

John Tur
Thank you.. Eli ... you really helped me

Toni Doidge
yes please!
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Merged in a post:
Review/Testimony Feature

Ronak Patel
Having automated product review/testimonial requests sent to the customer via email would be amazing. And if the reviews would auto-populate within a reviews section, even better.
Possible functionalities within the feature:
- Setting how many days after purchase to send the email
- If having follow ups requests, how many and how often to send
- Which product to review
- Not send repeat requests to customers if they've previously left a review for that same product on a previous purchase
- Ability to import reviews (Facebook, Google, spreadsheet, etc)
- Ability to complete review within email from simplicity
- Be able to change the color of review stars to match theme
Sorry, that's long. Thank you in advance for your consideration!
Hey Ronak Patel - that's a great recommendation. I'll pass this along to our Product Design team for review.

Samuel Peiffer
And the ability to import reviews from other sites like your google reviews trustpilot etc would be great! And a single place to manage all your viedeo/screenshot testimonials!