Multiple Sites per Workspace
Dave Eaton
When will we be able to work on more than one funnel hub at a time? I am ready to build multiple sites but have no access.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
We need multiple sites on our workspaces!
Vitaliy Akinshin
Please create the option for multiple sites on one workspace
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
While this feature request has gotten a lot of attention it has also spread out to cover many different things via comments. We are going to close it as the core request to have more then 1 funnel hub or workspace for a team is possible.
Some users may also be interested in voting for some of these other feature requests.
Share a workspace
Set domain at course level
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Caesi Bevis
Gee - I thought we had that ability immediately?
How can we convert our websites to CF 2.0 if we have a choose only one to start with?
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
under review
Tony Mueller
I agree, this would be super helpful.
Marco Bremer
I would even go so far as to say that CF is a completely different product WITH vs. without multiple sites. I understand that it's not just an engineering decision. Making the workspace the unit to transfer to a client means: That client has to have a full CF account on their own from day one: Not one agency cheaply running multiple clients in their space for a while.
However, has anyone thought about implications like the following: If I have the hacker plan and get advanced analytics ("the same as Russel has, as he says") there and only there, how about when I transfer the workspace to somebody else?
If that entity does not have the hacker plan, too, they loose advanced analytics in the transfer... or pay for the hacker plan themselves. Yet supposedly, they are no hacker, don't need multiple workspaces and, in fact, aren't the real experts in adapting funnels. So, why pay more than the minimum deal? -- But, if they were to give me as the agency access to now THEIR, minimum workspace to maintain and adapt things, I would miss those advanced features unless they pay the maximum price again.
It's a tough value proposition for a start to convince a client to pay 150$ a month or so for one core site and the 2-3 funnels types max that even Russel says will be everything most businesses need. So, then I build, optimize and test out a workspace. Once I figure it out, I rebuild the whole setup in... Wordpress??
Eugene Harnett
Show stopper having only one domain per workspace. Could you please expedite this update? This should be number one.
Ross Stokes
So if we have multiple sites with unique domains under classic we can't bring them all over to CF2 under 1 account??
Brett Hansen
This is of paramount importance from an agency model perspective. Creating and handing off an entire workspace makes the most sense - this feature looks available if you sign up as a "Funnel Builder", so though not available in Beta, it appears to be available for other users. Is that correct?
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