Kajabi Integration
under review
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Add an integration to send contact data to Kajabi
Tomohiko Murakami
Please integrate CF2.0 with Kajabi as soon as possible, otherwise our business activities will not be possible. I tried connecting using Zapier, but it seems that the connection is not working properly. If this issue is not resolved immediately, CF1.0 would have been simpler and better. With CF1.0, we were able to integrate with Kajabi. The CF2.0 member site is difficult to use and we have to create multiple member sites for each brand. Furthermore, we cannot change the login screen or system email, so we cannot provide it to our customers. If you could just integrate with Kajabi, we would be able to continue our business activities, but as it is now, it will cause inconvenience to our customers. We are really in trouble, so please deal with this immediately.
Danin Bozovic
guys i absolutely need the Kajabi and Clickfunnels integration!! please make it happen asap
Mikhail George
Please Add the intergration of kajabi into clickfunnels 2.0. This would allow me to be in the 2 commas club within months as everything I have is within kajabi and it would save having to now learn how to create all of the product features within clickfunnels. Was a massive set back, especially as it was part of clickfunnels 1.0
Alex Ford
Yes! Please add this to ClickFunnels 2.0. It's a much needed integration for a lot of my friend marketers too.
Please make it so that when a product is refunded in ClickFunnels, it will remove products from that customer in Kajabi too.
Federico Picchianti
Sharing a screen of the hell I've been trough for a whole day (12 hours to be exact)
I spent 12 hours just to find out that it's impossible to sync C.F. 2.0 with Kajabi and that Zapier is not able to do that.
That means you cannot sync subscriptions bought from C.F. 2.0 to kajabi and also, if you try to set up the products it messes up and is unable to find out which product was bought and mixes the offer granting process in Kajabi
Myke Armstrong
The lack of Kajabi integration in ClickFunnels 2.0, which was available in ClickFunnels 1.0, is a significant setback for many of us in the creator and entrepreneurial community.
This integration is crucial for maintaining many of our businesses. In ClickFunnels 1.0 it worked seamlessly. Without it, we are forced to adopt time-consuming workarounds. Reinstating Kajabi integration in ClickFunnels 2.0 is essential for maintaining our businesses. I switched from Kajabi to Clickfunnels, and this integration is the only way my business will work.
If this feature is not added, I won’t be able to use ClickFunnels 2.0. I urge the ClickFunnels team to prioritize this request.
Eliran M
+1 for this integration!
Myke Armstrong
Eliran M +2 for this integration!
Muhammad Kashif Memon
I want to move my all lessons and contacts from Kajabi to CF 2.0
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Muhammad Kashif Memon: thank you so much in your interest to bring over your lessons and contacts in CF 2.0. It is important to make a distinction here between creating a course in CF and integrating the course you have on another platform. You can already currently start creating your course in CF 2.0 and you can import your contacts.
This feature request is to make a communication connection with Kajabi so you can enroll students in your course over there, based on a trigger here in CF 2.0. I hope this helps =)
If you have any questions about creating a course or need any help with it, please reach out to our support team for help.
auregane vingerhoets
Kajabi Integration please =)
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
under review
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