Filtering and re-targeting the results of our COMPLETED Broadcasts
under review
Douglas Coppess
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
under review
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Funnel Hackers! This one is basically complete at this point with one exception.
You can create a segment of contacts filtering for if a contact has received, opened or clicked a broadcast, and same thing for a Broadcast email.
You can also create a segment of contacts that are unsubscribed and/or delete them in bulk.
The only thing we are working on still is the ability to filter for bounced bad emails. Thank you for your patience while we look into this.
Douglas Coppess
Filtering and re-targeting the results of our COMPLETED Broadcasts
It would be wonderful if there were methods in place to be able to target the results of our Broadcasts. This seems very LOGICAL to me since CF places such a HUGE emphasis on MARKETING and EMAIL LISTS!
Analytics clearly show us all the CONTACTs that were (1) Opened, (2) Clicked, or (3) Bounced//Undeliverable, or (4) Unsubscribed. Say I would like to send F/U broadcasts say to 1 & 2 but its labor intensive since there are no filters (that I am aware of) to separate/segment these groups. The same as for #3.
I have to search ALL of these contacts out and then MANUALLY DELETE them ONE at a time as they are "dead space" in my contact list. I cannot resend to them as they are "blocked" I believe to protect my "sender reputation!"
Thank you