change re-bill date in workflow
Gene Monterastelli
I would love to be able to change the rebill date in a workflow.
The primary functionality for me would be for an invisible funnel, were they get access to an event for free, but are billed for the event 72 hours after the event. Right now the rebill date (or the bill date after a free trial) is set to a number of days. So I either have to update the product daily OR I have to change the bill date to 72 hours after the event.
It would be great if I could do that in a workflow
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Automation to extend free trial length either through a workflow or using an upgrade function
Drew Perdichizzi
Extending Free Trial Length: A way to automate this process with a workflow, or a way to offer an upgrade that extends the free trial length or pushes back the first billing date.
My Use Case: I am running a viral contest. There are 3 levels of "Free Memberships" which are free trials. They can win 1-month, 2-month, and 3-month free memberships by reaching certain point totals in the contest. When they register their 1-month prize, they are signing up for a free trial that will then bill them after the 30-days.
When they win the 2-month prize, I want to create a way that they can upgrade their free trial and push back the billing date by the extra 30 days.
And then again, the same thing for the 3-month prize.