Allow Contact To Upload Files In Forms
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Add a field which can be added to page forms which allows contacts to upload a file as part of the form submission process.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Allow a user to submit a file (i.e. a picture of a receipt) when filling out a funnel.
Annie Bailey
For example, I would like to provide freebies to someone who has bought my product from a different website. I need a way for the customer to submit proof of purchase.
Rich Steinmetz (ClickFunnels Engineering)
Annie Bailey could you let them submit the invoice number or some similar unique ID from their purchase that will be easy for you to verify? In the end this is the one metric that you care about: Does the customer have an invoice with a transaction ID that matches my sold products.
Annie Bailey
Rich Steinmetz (ClickFunnels Engineering) This would be for purchasing a book from somewhere else like an independent bookstore, Amazon, etc. A picture of the receipt is the only thing I can think of that would do this.
Rich Steinmetz (ClickFunnels Engineering)
Hey Annie Bailey, if you don't plan on verifying the actual invoice numbers with what you've sold on the other platforms, then indeed, an uploaded PDF might be a better proof to ask for (although it's also not fail-safe since a PDF or image can be easily tinkered with as well).
Honza Dunda
Please, this function would be great. (For example - service have this feature, and it is cheap copy of clickfunnels). This is useful for funnels where peaple have to add their CV.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
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Allow Clients to Upload Files Within Funnel Through Forms
Scott Wedemeyer, Sr.
It would be great if clients were able to upload their files within the funnel, as we are currently having them email us their image files for custom engraving. This feature would give it a much more professional and efficient customer experience.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Add a File Upload feature.
Russell Jackson
Add a file upload feature to a funnel so customers can upload pictures and videos and be downloaded by the funnel owner.
Jordan Bowerman
Yes! this would help our business a lot. Especially if the upload a photo or document was possible in the form category.
Brian Crater
This is a big deal for our business as we're dealing with financial data. Being able to host our website with CF moving forward is dependent on full functionality as we are a full service financial brokerage.
Hugh (Product Support Manager)
Merged in a post:
Allow customers to upload images to order forms
Lin O
Allow customers to upload images to order forms at checkout. So customers can send their images for custom product creation