Add Swedish language in your calender.. All my clients are Swedish and now I might have to move them to another plattform unlesss I solve that their calender pages can be in Swedish. Please help :)
Stephanie Wellstead
Add Swedish as an language in the calender and everyelse where it's needed. My clients are Swedish and their target audiance are also Swedish.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Stephanie Wellstead Thank you for your feedback and adding this request.
These days, the browser automatically changes the language of the page. Can you send a screenshot of the page with browser translation turned on, but still has English parts you would like to change? That would be helpful. Thanks!
For example, here is a screenshot of a calendar page by ClickFunnels and I have the browser translate it to Chinese. You can see it translates the whole page with no English left. This may be the best answer for your customers and it's possible they may already be doing this without your knowledge.
Have you been receiving messages from your customers about this?
I hope this helps.
Stephanie Wellstead
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Thank you so much for your reply. So I've set up this calender in Davids funnel and I have another client that will need the same set up, and soon upcoming clients where they want me to connect their calender so people can book them for coaching calls. It's in English.. is this the same calender you are showing me in your screenshot? If so, can you please help me make the calenders in Swedish please? Or is it linked to a third party? All the best,