Add images to emails from image library
under review

David Lamoureux
Please add the ability to import images to emails from images already uploaded to the image library vs having to upload them again.
You can use the "Import" option to search our CF 2.0 image assets.
This makes a whole lot of sense and would save users a ton of time.
Thanks for considering!
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David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
under review
Hugh (Product Support Manager)

claire deacon
I regret to inform you that currently, the images uploaded for funnel pages and those for emails are stored in different libraries. This means that the images you have uploaded onto CF for your funnel pages will not show up in the email library.
I understand that this might cause some inconvenience, and for that, I sincerely apologize. At this time, you will need to re-upload the images to the email library to use them in your broadcasts.
Please can we make this happen - that is months of hard work and much expense to create the funnels page (whcih have to be created in CF) it is a travesty to not be able to use them throught the programme for marketing purposes.

Alex B
Merged in a post:
Have the email image library be the same as the main image library

Justin Vachon
It seems silly to not be able to access all the photos in our image library/asset library when using images in the email editor. Please merge the two libraries so they are one and the same!