Add feature to remove active runs in a workflow in bulk

Carmel Comiskey
When there are contacts running through a workflow i.e. "active runs" they can't all be stopped at the same time, and even when a workflow is stopped, as well as archived (since it's not possible to delete workflows) the contacts who are already in the workflow will continue to work through it and the only way to stop these "active runs" is to manually remove each individual active run one at a time which, in the case of hundreds of active runs, takes hours.
It would be great if there was a feature which allowed you to either:
1) Categorise these active runs under the contact filters and do a bulk action to stop them from running in the workflow, or
2) Be able to select all active runs through the "active runs" tab in the workflow and stop them from running that way.
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Jose Centeno
not to many opinions

Jose Centeno
there is other application that have more opinions this limited
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Merged in a post:
Bulk Stop Worksflow

Richard Brice
Once a workflow is going there doesn't seem to be a way to stop it on bulk. Even if you turn it off and archive it, it keeps sending emails. Which means if you make a mistake with set up you are screwed. There should be a way to bulk stop people mid work flow
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Richard Brice Thank you for your feedback and adding this request. This should normally happen when you turn off the workflow. I just tested it and found what you say is true. I will escalate that to the dev team.
In the meantime, what you could do is create a conditional split step that routes everyone in the workflow to a path that exits the workflow.
We'll be sure to keep this open for others to vote on and for our dev team for review.
If you have any questions about this or need any help with it, please reach out to our support team for help.

Richard Brice
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst) Unfortunately it's too late for the conditional split path. Because turning it off and stopping it didn't work, I ended up deleting the emails so there was nothing to send.
The bulk actions would make the process much easier though. Obviously we're still waiting on the ability to bulk delete contacts. And there are numerous other actions that can only be done one user at a time. It would seem opening up the bulk options in general would be helpful to all users.
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Richard Brice: I'm sorry to hear that but I'm glad you found a workaround for now. This feature is expected to freeze all contacts where they are at in the workflow, and the dev team is aware of the issue and they have it on the board to work on it.
We can leave this up for votes though, because I agree, it would be nice to have a bulk stop workflow option to be able to remove multiple contacts from a workflow without disabling the whole workflow.
Thank you for your feedback and surfacing this.