Ability to Use a Custom Attributes from Contacts as Merge Tag in MessageHub
Enoch Leffingwell
I would like the ability to take the data I have in a custom merge tag in my contacts and use them as a merge tag in the MessageHub. Currently it looks like the Custom Attribute and Contact Attribute are 2 different features.
I would have to manually create a custom attribute inside of messagehub in order to use the merge tag feature in messagehub. It would be nice if they were synced together better.
Currently I can use custom attributes from my contact and use merge tags when sending emails through an automated workflow but not through an email straight from MessageHub.
This would be a very helpful feature.
Am I allowed to send a loom video that explains it better detail what I'm looking for?
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst)
Hey Enoch Leffingwell Thank you for your feedback and adding this request. That's a great suggestion! We'll be sure to keep this open for others to vote on and for our dev team for review.
You are correct, the custom attributes are not syncing or communicating with the contacts in MH.
In the meantime, unfortunately, you'll have to copy the data if you send a 1 off email in MH, or use our workflows to send the emails.
Jason Buckner
David Lamoureux (Product Support Analyst) What about contact fields in Message hub? We cant even use a firstname in there from a workflow?